Près de tes paupières

place Faubourg des Capucins 30

Bus stop "Hôpital"

A question for you

What makes you sing with joy despite the difficulties?

Leave us an answer:

A contribution we received during the exhibition:

« Je chante de joie quand je vois toutes les belles fleurs qui couvrent la ville,
avec ma famille,
Avec mes amis,
quand j’arrive au Week-end »

– M.P.

Co-creation process

At the CAFF, Hanna and Maeva offered a workshop entitled "My town, our town!" in which participants were invited to reflect and create on a part of the map of Delémont around the following questions: Which seeds would you plant today in Delémont? And what fruits would you like to harvest tomorrow in Delémont? What do you hope to see in the future in Delémont? For yourself? For your children (if children)? The outcome of this workshop is the creation of a collectively completed and illustrated map.

Names of participants

Participants in the French class from Caff

Names of accompanying persons

Flore Béran and Karen Laurent

Creative process


In public space
