Who are the heroes and heroines in your family or neighbourhood? And why?
Leave us an answer:
A contribution we received during the exhibition:
« Je suis descendante de Pierre
C’est un héro qui voulait la justesse . Pauvres contre riches. Du sang de
coule dans mes veines et j’en
suis fière.
J’essaie aussi de combattre l’injustice mais sans
armes, par le dialogue et ma petite-fille s’y est mise aussi.
Des petits clans ici et là peuvent
faire changer doucement les choses »
– M.P.
At the Résidence la Promenade, Hanna and Maeva had the opportunity to meet the activities team and participate in an on-site observation. They observed a day at the Résidence la Promenade and took part in various activities. Then, for an afternoon, they held a creative workshop with some of the residents, inviting them to awaken their senses (touching, tasting, seeing and hearing) with objects and to share memories in dialogue with Maeva, which were then illustrated by Hanna.
Residents of the Résidence la Promenade
Fanny Aracil