Près de tes paupières

place Quai de la Sorne

Traffic circle between rue du Pont Neuf and Quai de la Sorne

A question for you

When did you feel like a stranger in the city? Why or why not?

Leave us an answer:

Co-creation process

Invited by LARC, Maeva took part in a three-day creative workshop at LARC in September on the theme of "My city, our city". Afterwards, Hanna and Maeva took part in several meetings. For one afternoon, they led a creative 'cross-portrait' workshop, during which participants, as well as Hanna and Maeva, drew each other's portraits and asked each other questions they picked at random. In a second creative workshop, "Lié·e·s les un·e·s aux autres" (linked to each other), participants were invited to explore the unique lines of their palms with brushes and Indian ink and to delve into the landscapes of their memories. The result of this workshop was the creation of a bound booklet illustrated by each participant. In another workshop, the participants worked together to create a tasty banquet using brushes and Indian ink. By awakening their senses, they immersed themselves in a variety of sensations, bringing their sweetest and tastiest memories to the foreground. Throughout the exercises, a banquet took shape.

Names of participants:

Christine Adatte, Elena Akbari, Anne-Véro Sohier, Jean-Daniel Berger, Thierry Torti and other participants who wanted to remain anonymous.

Names of accompanying persons

Caroline Amstutz and Elise Unternaehrer

Creative process


In public space


Participatory workshops during the exhibition